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File uploads

File uploads are not part of the official GraphQL spec (yet). To fill the gap AIOGQLC supports the widely adopted GraphQL multipart request specification.

File upload variables work just like other variables. Just remember to open files in a readable mode. Otherwise they can't be read and uploaded.

Upload a single file

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    mutation($file: Upload!) {
        uploadFile(file: $file) {

variables = {
    "file": open("test.txt", "rb")

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)
        response = await client.execute(document, variables=variables)
        print(await response.json())

Uploading a list of files

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    mutation($files: [Upload!]!) {
        uploadFiles(files: $files) {

variables = {
    "files": [
        open("", "rb"),
        open("", "rb"),

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)
        response = await client.execute(document, variables=variables)
        print(await response.json())

Prevent unnecessary uploads

A file can be referenced multiple times but will only be uploaded once.

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    mutation($files: [Upload!]!) {
        combineFiles(files: $files) {

blank_file = open("blank.pdf", "rb")
content_file = open("content.pdf", "rb")

variables = {
    "files": [

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)
        response = await client.execute(document, variables=variables)
        print(await response.json())