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WebSocket based subscriptions are not part of the official GraphQL specification (yet). Fortunately, there are third-party specifications such as graphql-ws and graphql-transport-ws.

AIOGQLC currently only supports the legacy graphql-ws subprotocol.

Subprotocol names are confusing!

Note that the legacy graphql-ws subprotocol is hosted in a repository called graphql-ws-transport, while the newer graphql-transport-ws subprotocol is hosted in a repository called graphql-ws. This documentation always refers to the subprotocol names, not the repository names.

Using the graphql-ws subprotocol

Starting a subscription

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    subscription ($postId: ID!) {
        likeAdded(postId: $postId)

variables = {
    "postId": "42"

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)

        async with client.connect() as connection:
            async for payload in connection.subscribe(document, variables=variables):

Start multiple subscriptions using a single connection

The graphql-ws protocol allows us to reuse a single WebSocket connection for multiple subscriptions.

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    subscription ($postId: ID!) {
        likeAdded(postId: $postId)

async def watch_likes(connection, post_id):
    variables = {
        "postId": post_id

    async for payload in connection.subscribe(document, variables=variables):

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)

        async with client.connect() as connection:
            asyncio.create_task(watch_likes(connection, post_id="1"))
            asyncio.create_task(watch_likes(connection, post_id="2"))

Selecting an operation

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    subscription Subscription1 {
        count(to: 11)
    subscription Subscription2 {
        count(to: 22)

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)

        async with client.connect() as connection:
            async for payload in connection.subscribe(document, operation="Subscription2"):

Using connection params

Some servers allow clients to specify connection params. These are particular useful for authentication and other connection settings.

import aiohttp
from aiogqlc import GraphQLClient

document = """
    subscription {

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = GraphQLClient("", session=session)

        connection_params = {
            "username": "john",
            "password": "1234",
            "keep_alive_interval": 20,

        async with client.connect(params=connection_params) as connection:
            async for payload in connection.subscribe(document):